For courses in Paralegal Studies. Build a strong foundation in Paralegal Studies Since the publication of the First Edition of The Paralegal Professional , the paralegal profession plays an increasingly more important role in the delivery of legal services. The Paralegal Professional provides students with the conceptual knowledge, analytical skills, and firm understanding of ethical issues they need to succeed as paralegals in today's legal environment. The book is shaped by insights of real legal professionals with whom paralegals work to offer relevant information for use in the workplace. The text illuminates specific tasks and roles paralegals will play in the workplace to fully prepare them to enter the field. The Fifth Edition builds a foundation of knowledge which students can augment as they work towards a profession in the field of law.
A complete package of student and instructor supplementary materials is available with the text. Written by an award-winning author team, "The Paralegal Professional: Essentials" provides a solid introduction to the paralegal profession.
Taking this to heart, this award-winning author team has designedThe Paralegal Professional: The Essentials, 2eto build the procedural knowledge and real-world skills needed for today’s paralegal.
PROFESSIONAL PARALEGAL, THE: A GUIDE TO FINDING A JOB AND CAREER SUCCESS covers more than just how to land a job, it shows how to prepare for and build a paralegal career.
For future paralegals working in private practice, government offices, or even as freelance professionals, this new edition also offers a fresh perspective on issues such as the unauthorized practice of law (UPL) and other issues unique to ...
New video case studies and Paralegals in Practice boxes bring the world of the paralegal closer to the classroom. 0133058948 / 9780133058949 Paralegal Professional, The Plus NEW MyLegalStudiesLab and Virtual Law Office Experience with ...
I would highly recommend this book to all presently in the paralegal profession, as well as those interested in pursuing a paralegal career." -- Toylaine Hayman Spencer, Environmental Paralegal, Houston, Texas
Want a new career as a paralegal but don't know where to start?Relax! Paralegal Career For Dummies is the practical, hands-onguide to all the basics -- from getting certified to landing a joband getting ahead.
Paralegal Professional: Essentials & Ethics
This text prepares paralegals in the principles of criminal law as well as in the practice skills needed daily in the law office.
Thoroughly updated for this edition, the Goldman Technology Resources Website features links to vendor soft downloads, tutorials, and instructional videos.