This book is ideal for a one-semester course in statistics, offering a streamlined presentation of Introductory Statistics: Exploring the World through Data, by Gould/Ryan. Exploring the World through Data We live in a data-driven world, and the goal of this text is to teach students how to access and analyze these data critically. Authors Rob Gould, Colleen Ryan, and Rebecca Wong want students to develop a "data habit of mind" because learning statistics is an essential life skill that extends beyond the classroom.and Regardless of their math backgrounds, students will learn how to think about data and how to reason using data. With a clear, unintimidating writing style and carefully chosen pedagogy, this text makes data analysis accessible to all students. Also available with MyStatLab MyStatLab(tm) from Pearson is the world's leading online resource for teaching and learning statistics, integrating interactive homework, assessment, and media in a flexible, easy-to-use format. MyStatLab is a course management system that delivers improving results in helping individual students succeed. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab(tm)& Mastering(tm) does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab & Mastering, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase boththe physical text and MyLab & Mastering, search for: 0134466012 / 9780134466019 Essential Statistics Plus MyStatLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0134134400 / 9780134134406 Essential Statistics 0321847997 / 9780321847997 My StatLab Glue-in Access Card 032184839X / 9780321848390 MyStatLab Inside Sticker for Glue-In Packages
"This book is designed for an introductory course in statistics.
Technology is integrated throughout the text, providing students examples of how to use the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculators, Microsoft Excel and Minitab.The accuracy of Elementary Statistics was a foundational principle ...
Essential Statistics in Business and Economics
Exploring the World through Data We live in a data-driven world, and the goal of this text is to teach students how to access and analyse these data critically. Authors...
This book is uncommonly approachable and easy to use, with extensive word problems that emphasize intuition and understanding.
This book is unusually readable and non-intimidating, with extensive word problems that emphasize intuition and understanding.
This book is a detailed guide covering the math and various statistical methods required for undertaking data science tasks.
This book uses three popular and commonly used statistics softwares—Microsoft Excel, Graphpad Prism, and SPSS—and offers clear, step-by-step instructions for essential data analysis and graphical/tabular display of data.
Basic Statistics with R: Reaching Decisions with Data provides an understanding of the processes at work in using data for results.
This book has a unique, case-study approach, starting with six actual research papers showing which statistical methods were used and how the results were obtained.