An introduction to public policy that helps students learn how to think critically about politics, 'Understanding Public Policy' provides an introduction to the study of public policy, as well as an overview of the models that political scientists use to describe and explain political life.
本书通过大量最新的政策案例, 描述和分析了政策制定的政治和社会环境, 把美国的情况与其他国家进行了比较, ...
This book is an English version of a successful text* on public policy analysis originally written for policy practitioners in Switzerland and France.
This book offers a brief history of domestic public policy since the New Deal.
Baron argues that our well-meant and deeply felt intuitions about what is right often prevent us from achieving the results we want.
Guba,E. and Lincoln,Y. (1987) 'The countenances of fourth-generation evaluation: description, judgment and negotiation', in D. Palumbo (ed) The politics ofprogram evaluation, CA: Sage. Guba, E. and Lincoln,Y. (1989) Fourth generation ...
Public Policy and Politics in America
(5) Jeffrey Cohen, Politics and Economic Policy in the United States (Houghton Mifflin: 1997), 376 p. (6) Paul Gemmill and Ralph Blodgett, Current Economic Problems 3rd ed. (Harper and Brothers: 1947), 768 p. (7) Melvin Dubnick and Alan ...
本书内容包括理论起点, 追踪美国的政策变迁, 政治中的结构和背景文化三部分.