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Engineering Mechanics of Solids
This is the more practical approach to engineering mechanics that deals mainly withtwo-dimensional problems, since these comprise the great majority of engineering situationsand are the necessary foundation for good design practice.
This volume presents the theory and applications of engineering mechanics.
The text is written to provide a clear and up-to-date presentation of the theory and application of engineering mechanics; It is aimed at helping engineering students develop an ability to apply well-established principles to analyze and ...
"Now fully incorporated with SI units, these books teach students the basic mechanical behaviour of materials at rest (statics) and in motion (dynamics) while developing their mastery of engineering methods of analysing and solving problems ...
New to this edition are the extra supplementary examples available online as well as the TM-tools necessary to work with this method. Statics is the first volume of a three-volume textbook on Engineering Mechanics.
This series of three volumes aims to explain in a reader-friendly way, the essential principles of basic mechanics as used in engineering.
The book contains numerous examples and their solutions. Emphasis is placed upon student participation in solving the problems. The new edition is fully revised and supplemented by additional examples.
To help students build necessary visualization and problem-solving skills, the text strongly emphasizes drawing free-body diagrams-the most important skill needed to solve mechanics problems.
Engineering Mechanics: Statics