Making Sense of People: The Science of Personality Differences

Making Sense of People: The Science of Personality Differences
Individual differences
Financial Times/Prentice Hall
Samuel Barondes


Every day, we all size up each other: It's one of the most important things we ever do. Making Sense of People, Second Edition gives you scientific frameworks and tools for improving your intuition about people, so you can assess them more consciously, systematically, and effectively. Leading neuroscientist Samuel H. Barondes explains the research behind every standard personality category: extraversion/introversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. He shows how to use these traits and assessments to do a better job of deciding who you'll enjoy spending time with, whom to trust, and whom to keep at a distance. This Second Edition adds even more practical assistance in applying these techniques with the people in your life: more "how to," and more "here's why." Every chapter now contains a "Practical Summary" section reinforcing Barondes's powerful techniques and helping you put them to work. He even guides you through building a deep and personally meaningful understanding of one important person in your life, integrating multiple perspectives into a rich and complex picture of what makes them unique. Along the way, you will discover: What neuroscience and psychological research can tell us about how personality types develop and cohere How genes, nurture, and education intertwine in personality development. How to recognize troublesome personality patterns such as narcissism, sociopathy, and paranoia How much a child's behavior predicts their adult personality, and how personality stabilizes in young adulthood How to assess integrity, fairness, wisdom, and other traits related to morality What genetic testing may (or may not) teach us about personality in the future Powerful general strategies for getting along with people, with specific tactics for special circumstances

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