If you’re a security or network professional, you already know the “do’s and don’ts”: run AV software and firewalls, lock down your systems, use encryption, watch network traffic, follow best practices, hire expensive consultants . . . but it isn’t working. You’re at greater risk than ever, and even the world’s most security-focused organizations are being victimized by massive attacks. In Thinking Security, author Steven M. Bellovin provides a new way to think about security. As one of the world’s most respected security experts, Bellovin helps you gain new clarity about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. He helps you understand security as a systems problem, including the role of the all-important human element, and shows you how to match your countermeasures to actual threats. You’ll learn how to move beyond last year’s checklists at a time when technology is changing so rapidly. You’ll also understand how to design security architectures that don’t just prevent attacks wherever possible, but also deal with the consequences of failures. And, within the context of your coherent architecture, you’ll learn how to decide when to invest in a new security product and when not to. Bellovin, co-author of the best-selling Firewalls and Internet Security, caught his first hackers in 1971. Drawing on his deep experience, he shares actionable, up-to-date guidance on issues ranging from SSO and federated authentication to BYOD, virtualization, and cloud security. Perfect security is impossible. Nevertheless, it’s possible to build and operate security systems far more effectively. Thinking Security will help you do just that.
Many of us, especially since 9/11, have become personally concerned about issues of security, and this is no surprise.
In this book, the authors helps readers to consider their own career development in parallel with establishing their organisation security programme. This is fundamental to becoming, and serving as, a quality, effective manager.
Each organization has a unique environment, but as Ross Harrison explains in Strategic Thinking in 3D, any environment-whether in the fields of national security, foreign policy, or business-has three dimensions: systems, opponents, and ...
This book provides an overview, by leading world experts, on key issues in global water and food security. The book is divided in a series of over-arching themes and sections.
Written from a U.S. perspective, it helps the reader understand the internal and external aspects of the strategic environment that make strategy formulation and execution so difficult for the nation state, particularly in a democracy
This book examines the diverse factors involved in occupational management—planning, people, budget, information, and preparedness—to present an accurately balanced picture of safety functions.
Een voormalige Amerikaanse minister van defensie geeft zijn visie op de defensiepolitiek van de V.S.
The question is perpetual—but the answer is not. This insightful text helps students make sense of the ever-changing environment and factors that influence disagreement over national security risks and policy in the United States.
This book will help readers to understand the big picture, grasp the changing faces, and comprehend the local dynamics of regional security.
76 Nov 2016, Berlin. https://www.pol soz.fu-berlin.de/en/v/transformeurope/publications/working_paper/wp/ wp76/WP_76_Hulse_PRINT.pdf. ... In D. Kelly & W. Grant, The politics of international trade in the twenty-first century.