For courses in Public Speaking An audience-centered approach to public speaking in a concise reference format A Concise Public Speaking Handbook emphasizes the importance of analyzing and considering the audience at every point in the speech-making process. Using a concise reference format that facilitates quick and easy access to key information, authors Steven and Susan Beebe present a balance of theory and practice to guide students on how to enhance their public speaking skills. By focusing student attention on the dynamics of diverse audiences, ethics, and communication apprehension, the text narrows the gap between the classroom and the real world. The Fifth Edition includes fresh examples throughout to ensure that content is relatable and engaging for students. A Concise Public Speaking Handbook, Fifth Edition is also available via Revel(TM), an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. You can also purchase a loose-leaf print reference to complement Revel A Concise Public Speaking Handbook . This is optional.
You can also purchase a loose-leaf print reference to complement Revel Public Speaking Handbook . This is optional.
By focusing student attention on the dynamics of diverse audiences, ethics, and communication apprehension, the text narrows the gap between the classroom and the real world.
Offers an audience-centered approach to public speaking A Concise Public Speaking Handbook integrates the steps of preparing and delivering a speech with the ongoing process of considering the audience.
Offers an audience-centered approach to public speaking A Concise Public Speaking Handbook integrates the steps of preparing and delivering a speech with the ongoing process of considering the audience.
By focusing student attention on the dynamics of diverse audiences, ethics, and communication apprehension, the text narrows the gap between the classroom and the real world.
This best-selling brief introduction to public speaking offers practical coverage of every topic typically covered in a full-sized text, from invention, research and organization, practice and delivery, to the different speech types.
In virtually every case, a person's fear of public speaking is unjustified.If you are making your first speech or presentation or if you need to make your presentations or speeches, more engaging, more powerful, more structured, more ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
The Elements of Great Public Speaking takes the fear out of taking the podium, distilling essential techniques and tricks for just about any speaking occasion.
This handbook integrates the principles of classical rhetoric with those of contemporary public speaking and provides examples of how to apply these principles to various speaking situations. ...