The unbiased approach of the text equips students with important analytical and quantitative reasoning skills, including how to ask questions to seek information required to develop informed opinions.
Help Students Connect Current Environmental Issues to the Science Behind Them Environment: The Science behind the Stories is a best seller for the introductory environmental science course known for its student-friendly narrative style, its ...
Check with the seller prior to purchase. 0134838874 / 9780134838878 Modified MasteringEnvironmentalScience with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Essential Environment: The Science Behind the Stories, 6/e Package consists of: ...
ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN.
Environment Modified Masteringenvironmentalscience With Pearson Etext Standalone Access Card: The Science Behind the Stories
Previous editions cataloged under Brennan, Scott
"Environment: The Science Behind the Stories 7e is written for an introductory environmental science course for non-science majors.
Known for its evolution theme and strong coverage of the relevance of ecology to everyday life and the human impact on ecosystems, the thoroughly revised Eighth Edition features expanded quantitative exercises, a restructured chapter on ...
KEY BENEFIT: The first edition of Environment: The Science behind the Stories made the biggest splash of any new entry in environmental science over the past thirty years.
Essential Environment: The Science behind the Stories, Fourth Edition engages students with integrated central case studies that provide students with a tangible framework for understanding science in a brief 18-chapter book.