From the moment he took office as governor in 1928 to the day an assassin’s bullet cut him down in 1935, Huey Long wielded all but dictatorial control over the...
In July , 1936 , after the Doctor had by supporting Lemke for the Presidency , separated himself from a number of his former allies , Earle Christenberry , private secretary to Senator Long up to the hour of his death , charged him with ...
Huey Long (1893-1935) was one of the most extraordinary American politicians, simultaneously cursed as a dictator and applauded as a benefactor of the masses.
Long's choices for president pro tempore of the senate (Philip H. Gilbert) and Speaker of the House (John B. ... of the Constitution of 1921, still in effect, required roads and bridges to be financed out of current revenues only).
The Story of Huey P. Long
At the same time, Coughlin was cultivating political friendships closer to home, most notably with Detroit's new Democratic mayor, Frank Murphy. Coughlin had been friendly with Murphy and his Irish-Catholic family almost since the ...
This book has been prepared for the benefit of people who want the real truth concerning Huey P. Long, which truth has been kept from the public by authors, journalists, and historians.
Originally published in the Congressional Record, 74th Congress, 1st Session Vol. 79, May 1935.
Huey Long: His Life in Photos, Drawings, and Cartoons
In this flamboyant fiction novel, Louisiana Governor Huey “Kingfish” Long, one of Franklin Roosevelt’s political rivals, details a political fantasy in which he is president of the United States.