How does memory work? Who is the "distractor" in your family? What was the "car crash" experiment? The Psychology Book is your visual guide to the complex and fascinating world of human behavior.
The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders.
There's nothing more fascinating-- or frightening-- than the ins and outs of the human mind. With this comprehensive guide, you'll achieve a better understanding of yourself-- and everyone else around you, too!
The text also moves beyond an exclusive focus on the development of North American and European psychologies to explore the development of psychologies in other indigenous contexts, especially from the mid-20th-century onward.
... 4 Giberson, T. R., 649 Gibson, C., 537, 691 Gibson, C. B., 417, 439, 449, 533, 543, 678, 679 Gibson, C. G., 326, 327 Gibson, D. E., 15, 321, 438, 602 Gibson, W. M., 342, 343, 355 Giddens, A., 395 Gigerenzer, G., 45, 498 Gigone, D., ...
21 Older Persons and Health Psychology Margaret Gatz , Cynthia Pearson , and Wendy Weicker There has been surprisingly little recognition of the natural overlap between health psychology and the psychology of the adult development and ...
People with strong schemas or theoretical commitments evaluate evidence supporting their schemas more favorably than they do inconsistent information ( e.g. , Koehler , 1993 ; Lord , Ross , & Lepper , 1979 ; Miller , McHoskey , Bane ...
First Published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Washington, DC: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Cahalan, D. (1982). Epidemiology: Alcohol use in American society. In E. L. Gomberg, H. R. White, & J. A. Carpenter (Eds.) Alcohol, science and society revisited (pp.
we thank the members of our extended research team who helped make this book possible, especially Robin Atkinson, Susan Bernard, Sheila Burgess, Sanjay Chandrasekharan, Jim Davies, Nonah Elliston, Michelle Grandin, Ellie Harmon, ...