CONSUMER BEHAVIOR, 10e offers a practical, business approach, designed to help students apply consumer behavior principles to their studies in business and marketing, to their future business careers, and also to their private lives, as ...
CONSUMER BEHAVIOR, 10th Edition offers a practical, business approach, designed to help students apply consumer behavior principles to their studies in business and marketing, to their future business careers, and...
Consumer Behavior
Consumer behaviour.
Keynes ( 1933 ) tells us that Marshall was highly delighted at having discovered the concept of elasticity , and , ever since , Marshall's enthusiasm has been shared by the majority of applied economists .
Emotion and Reason in Consumer Behavior provides new insights into the effects that emotion and rational thought have on marketing outcomes. It uses sound academic research at a level students and professionals can understand.
This book is intended to provide a quick, highly accessible introduction to key issues and concepts necessary for understanding market demand, designing successful products and services, and for creating effective marketing programs.
Experts from both fields – social psychology and consumer behavior – provide an informed, up-to-date overview, from an original integrative perspective. The aim of this volume is two-fold.
Want to better understand why consumers think and act the way they do? This practical guide gives you the tools to identify the influences that affect their purchasing behavior.
This book provides empirical evidence that the need to understand culture to explian differences in consumer behaviour is greater than ever.