Keep Your Course Current and Relevant: New examples, exercises, and statistics appear throughout the text.
Its unifying theme, unmatched timeliness, and coverage of trends and technology make this text the standard by which all other brief texts are judged.
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Student Value Edition Plus New Myfinancelab with Pearson Etext -- Access Card Package
This package contains: 01032148234: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 01032148331: Study Guide for Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 0132907046: NEW MyFinanceLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance Myfinancelab With Pearson Etext Access Card
Reach every student by pairing this text with MyLab Finance MyLab (TM) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student.
Personalize learning with MyLab Finance MyLab(tm) Finance is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results.
Keep Your Course Current and Relevant: New examples, exercises, and statistics appear throughout the text.
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance's applied perspective cements students' understanding of the modern-day core principles by equipping students with a problem-solving methodology and profiling real-life financial management practices--all ...
The second edition reflects the constantly changing world of finance, including information on the recent financial crisis, new behavioral finance research, and updated practitioner interviews.