NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version. Books a la Carte also offer a great value; this format costs significantly less than a new textbook. For courses in Lifespan Development An introduction to development that emphasizes the importance of family and cultural contexts Understanding Human Development, Books a la Cate Edition, 4/e presents an overview of development across the lifespan that emphasizes the dynamic interactions among biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces. Authors Wendy Dunn and Grace Craig present people as they are in the context of culture and subculture, helping all students to find themselves mirrored in the course. The 4th Edition has been thoroughly revised to include the latest research, as well as topics of contemporary interest - such as changing notions of family, the effects of media on children, and recent LGBT issues - that will draw students into their study of development.
ALERT: Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you select the correct ISBN.
NEW MyDevelopmentLab -- Standalone Access Card -- for Understanding Human Development
How does a fertilized egg become a person? How do the processes which shape the common features of human development also produce the rich variety of individual diversity? Understanding Human...
The book takes a multidimensional approach to understanding the complexities of personal experience, and applies theoretical knowledge of human beings and the social environment, of adversity and oppression, and of coping and adaptation, to ...
This book provides a comprehensive view of the primary theoretical models of human development including those from the biological, psychoanalytic, behavioral, and cognitive developmental perspectives.
... Leon Kamin, Bernard Kaplan, PhilipKendall, Maureen Kenny, Sam J.Korn, KurtKreppner, Michael Lamb,David Layzer, Jacqueline V. Lerner, MichaelLewis,Richard C. Lewontin,Lynn S.Liben, Ulman Lindenberger, Lewis P.Lipsitt,Rick R.Little, ...
This edited volume contains original chapters by some of the leading researchers and writers in HRD.
Even more important however is how students apply this knowledge to their assignments and their practice. This text achieves this in several ways.
... Sears,K.G., & HokeSinex, L.(2001). Instruction begins inthehome: Relations betweenparental instructionand children's ... Thelen, E.,Fisher, D. M.,& RidleyJohnson,R. (1984).The relationship between physicalgrowth and a newborn ...
Understanding Human Development, Books a la Carte Edition