This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology Teaches research fundamentals with a grounded, real-world approach Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology, Tenth Edition, teaches contemporary research methods using examples of real criminological and criminal justice studies to illustrate concepts and techniques. Hagan’s best-selling approach familiarizes students with examples of research in the field as they learn fundamental research skills. The text emphasizes sources and resources of classic and contemporary research in the field and helps students and professionals better understand the extensive diversity of research available and in progress in criminal justice. The logical organization carries students through the sequence of the research process, but is flexible enough to allow instructors to customize the text to suit their courses. The Tenth Edition brings the text up to date with the most recent developments and research in the field.
This text has been designed to be user-friendly, even when dealing with some fairly complex statistical and theoretical concepts.
The second edition features expanded coverage of measurement, qualitative research methods, and evaluation research methods, as well as additional downloadable journal articles to ensure students begin to think critically about research and ...
Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology 3e is about how to do research and investigate various types of research questions that arise in criminology and criminal...
Carlson , C. I. , & Bunner , M. R. ( 1993 ) . Effects of methylphenidate on the academic performance of children with attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities . School Psychology Review , 22 , 184–198 .
Frank Hagan's Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology, Fifth Edition, is a classic in its field. The new edition continues the tradition of featuring both standard and contemporary examples...
The book also examines survey methods, survey instruments, and questionnaires, including wording, organization, and pretesting.
First edition published by Pearson 2007 Second edition published by Pearson 2011 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Kraska, Peter B., 1961– author. | Brent, John J., author.
Learning the basics for conducting research is the first step. This text is a reader-friendly primer that has as its strength the facility to positively and gently ease the reader into the task of conducting research.
Schatzman, Leonard, and Anselm L. Strauss. (1973). Field research: Strategies for a natural sociology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Scheuch, Erwin K. (1990). The development of comparative research: Towards causal explanations.
Based on Earl Babbie's best-selling text, THE PRACTICE OF SOCIAL RESEARCH, this text combines the key strengths of Babbie's text (accessibility; a conversational, "friendly" writing style; and great examples) with Michael G. Maxfield's ...