This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in Cross-Cultural Development An interdisciplinary exploration of cross-cultural human development throughout the lifespan Lives Across Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Developmen t focuses on cultural similarities and differences in human development throughout the world and across the lifespan, while emphasizing the links between theory, research, and practical applications. Presented chronologically by topic, Harry Gardiner’s Sixth Edition combines the most current information with engaging vignettes, stories, and personal experiences in his highly praised, scholarly yet conversational, and often humorous writing style.
In addition to the flexibility offered by this format, Books a la Carte editions offer students great value, as they cost significantly less than a bound textbook.Lives Across Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Development, Sixth Edition is ...
Presented chronologically by topic, Harry Gardiner's Sixth Edition combines the most current information with engaging vignettes, stories, and personal experiences in his highly praised, scholarly yet conversational, and often humorous ...
Theoretically rich, empirically grounded, and lucidly written, this book marks a major advance in our attempts to understand the 'specter of migration' haunting the world today."—Vicente L. Rafael, author of White Love and Other Events in ...
Presented in a chronological-within-topics approach, covering the entire lifespan, this text focuses on cultural similarities and differences in human development throughout the world while emphasizing links among theory, research and ...
Thus, poor people can be happier in the East than the West, because they are not so concerned with possession and more with society. This book considers happiness and quality of life in non-Western countries and cultures.
Tracey Wilen and Patricia Wilen , Asia for Women on Business : Hong Kong , Taiwan , Singapore , and South Korea , Stone Bridge Press ( 1995 ) ISBN 1880656175 SLOVAKIA Clarke Canfield , Now Hiring ! Jobs in Eastern FURTHER READING 385.
Lifespan Development& Lives Across Cultures
This book brings together global research conducted by anthropologists, social scientists and scholars who work closely with individuals from the cultures they are writing about.
The Handbook of Motivation and Cognition Across Cultures is the first book to look at these theories specifically with culture in mind.
“I wrote this book because I believe that there is a serious gap in what has been written and communicated about cross-cultural management and what people actually struggle with on the ground.”—From the Introduction What does it mean ...