Foundations of interpersonal communication - Culture and interpersonal communication - Perception of the self and others in interpersonal communication - Listening in interpersonal communication - Verbal messages - Nonverbal messages - ...
Gwen: “Oh, Robin, I'm so mad! Greene won't let me take a personal day on Friday. The entire plant is being run on the stupid whims of the bosses!” Robin: “Whoa, slow down, Gwen. What happened?” Gwen: “I asked that jerk for a personal ...
Featuring several all-new chapters, revisions, and updates, the Second Edition of A Cultural Approach to Interpersonal Communication presents an interdisciplinary collection of key readings that explore how interpersonal communication is ...
Covering a broad range of interpersonal communication themes, including strategic alternatives and solutions to communication challenges and information about friendship, family, romantic, and workplace relationships, this Second Edition ...
The Third Edition of the Handbook of Interpersonal Communication includes eight new chapters and eleven revised from the second edition.
Kory Floyds approach to interpersonal communication stems from his research area where he studies the positive impact of communication on our health and well-being.
This fully revised text demystifies interpersonal communication skills by bringing the latest research together with practical guidance that prepares students to discern key communication dynamics and communicate more effectively in all ...
This book will generate enthusiasm among students and scholars and inspire future research that moves beyond the theoretical and toward the practical.
I gladly recommend this book as a rich resource for learning to build real community through effective communication." --Larry Crabb, NewWay Ministries; author of The Marriage Builder
Source: Blair, C. A., Hoffman, B. J., & Heiiand, K. R. (2008). Narcissism in organizations: A multisource ap— praisal reflects different perspectives. Human Performance, 27(3), 254—276. INTERVIEVVING Your first full-time job after ...