Technical Communication: Process and Product, MLA Update Edition

Technical Communication: Process and Product, MLA Update Edition
Technical Communication
Business communication
Sharon Gerson, Steven Gerson


For courses in Technical Communication. This version of Technical Communication: Process and Product has been updated to reflect the 8th Edition of the MLA Handbook (April 2016)* A focus on oral and written correspondence in all fields Technical Communication: Process and Product shows students how to produce all forms of written and oral technical communication with easy-to-follow instructions. Interesting scenarios and examples featuring real people on the job make the text relatable to students of all majors. The 9th Edition builds upon the authors' proven methodology, emphasizes the writing process, and shows students how it applies to both written and oral communication. By showcasing real employees in communication scenarios across a wide range of disciplines - from engineering, to consulting, banking, construction, and biotechnology - the authors showcase the importance of strong communication skills within every field. * The 8th Edition introduces sweeping changes to the philosophy and details of MLA works cited entries. Responding to the "increasing mobility of texts," MLA now encourages writers to focus on the process of crafting the citation, beginning with the same questions for any source. These changes, then, align with current best practices in the teaching of writing which privilege inquiry and critical thinking over rote recall and rule-following. Now available! Free copy of the Pearson Guide to the 2021 MLA Handbook Download your free copy, for use with this title. Contents include: What Is MLA Documentation Style? The Basic Principles of Documenting A Three-Step Process for Documenting Sources Creating Your Works-Cited List Creating In-Text Citations Researching Online Sample Works-Cited List

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