Long recognized in the field as the leading educational technology text, "Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching" links technology integration strategies to specific learning theories, shows pre- and in-service teachers how to plan for technology integration, and offers opportunities to practice integrating technology by designing curriculum to meet teaching and learning needs. Carefully selected exercises, sample lessons, and recommended resources encourage teachers to reflect on their practice as they develop the insights, knowledge, and skills they need to infuse technology across all disciplines. Throughout the book, content is updated to align with the latest ISTE Standards for Educators and Students and showcases the most current tools, methods, and ideas shaping the role of technology in education. -- From product description.
This book illustrates that great education means employing technologies to fulfill the vision they make possible: a worldwide social network and a global community that learns and grows together.
It is therefore critical that teachers be prepared to teach with technology. This text emphasizes "integration" of educational technology vs. a preoccupation with the technology itself, which is very important for Canadian educators.
This sixth edition shows how to incorporate the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Tech-PACK) framework into the TIP Model.
Like teaching itself, integrating technology into educational practice is challenging work, full of exciting opportunities and complex problems.
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Using the text and web site, students learn to apply knowledge from their content methods courses and learn how to incorporate technology to promote effective instruction.What sets this text apart is its teacher-tested model, The Technology ...
Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching: With Integrating Educational Technology Into ... Teaching and Navigating Blackboard, a Student's Gu
Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching
An engaging book for professional educators and an ideal textbook for certificate, masters, and doctoral programs in educational technology, instructional systems and learning design, Foundations of Educational Technology, Second Edition ...
This book explores the National Education Technology Plan which presents a model of learning powered by technology, with goals and recommendations in five essential areas: learning, assessment, teaching, infrastructure and productivity.