This package contains the following components: 0132079313 / 9780132079310 OneKey Blackboard, Student Access Card, Emergency Care 013500523X / 9780135005231 Emergency Care 0135008638 / 9780135008638 Workbook for Emergency Care
New to the Second Edition: New chapters on sepsis in pregnancy and triage acuity tools Key updates on ectopic pregnancy, nausea and hyperemesis in pregnancy, severe preeclampsia, sexually transmitted and other infections, substance abuse, ...
This book for emergency physicians and fellows training in emergency medicine provides evidence-based information on what diagnostic tests to ask for and when and how to use particular decision rules.
End-of-chapter review questions. The review questions included at the end of each chapter allow students to evaluate the knowledge they have gained while reading the chapter. Focus on learning objectives.
Resource added for the Emergency Medical Technician program 305313.
Kelly J, Nichols J, Filley C, et al. Concussion in sports: Guidelines for the prevention of catastrophic outcome. JAMA. 1991;226:2867–2869. Saunders R, Harbaugh R. The second impact in catastrophic contact-sports head injuries. JAMA.
Using the National EMS Education Standards as a foundation, the text goes beyond the Standards to provide the most current, accurate reflection of EMS practice today.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
In 1971, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) published the first edition of Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured and created the backbone of EMS education.
The text's table of contents is organized to follow the National EMS Educational Standards.
Tighten the screw bolt until the regulator is firmly attached to the cylinder. At this point, you should not see any space between the sides of the valve stem and the interior walls of the collar . 4. With the regulator firmly attached, ...