Streamlined and updated for the Eighth Edition, this classic text offers significant flexibility because it covers both manual drafting and computer-aided drafting. Known for its superbly detailed drawings and information on every phase of light residential architectural design and construction– from site design and building programming to mechanical, electrical, and plumbing planning, Architectural Drawing and Light Construction also includes building codes and specification writing.
Streamlined and updated for the Eighth Edition, this classic text offers significant flexibility because it covers both manual drafting and computer-aided drafting.
Architectural Drawing and Light Construction
Architectural Drawing and Light Construction
Architectural Drawing and Light Construction
Architectural Drawing and Light Construction
Unique in coverage, this text-workbook introduces concepts essential to a basic introductory understanding of residential and light construction--drawing, mathematics, geometry, terminology, materials, systems--while providing hands-on ...
Architectural Drawing and Light Construction - HIGH SCHOOL EDITION
Architectural Drawing and Light Construction, Fourth Edition: Instructor's Manual
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Covering both commercial and residential drawing, this text presents a detailed study of typical construction methods and the preparation of architectural working drawings.