On Campus approaches the topic, college orientation, respectful of the fact that for students, college represents an enormous investment of time and money, and for faculty, an understanding that they must feel well-prepared to teach content that is not discipline-specific. The mission of On Campus is to provide students with an opportunity (1) to experience and develop knowledge, behaviors and attitudes that promote successful college study and positive campus experiences, and (2) to appreciate multiple perspectives that reflect intellectual and cultural diversity within and beyond college. Students learn skills and strategies necessary to make informed choices, to understand their responsibilities for academic success, and to become independent, motivated learners.
Sin corrupted our original design as the image- bearers of God and distorted our primary calling as the caretakers of the cosmos. This is why there is suffering in the world. Humans have endured profound pain because of sin—for whenever ...
Adams stipulated that the definition is a functional , working definition : it moves us forward in the study of religion , even though it may be imperfect . He introduced another idea from the text , " secular religion , " explaining ...
This book provides the background necessary to understanding the importance of free speech on campus and offers clear prescriptions for what colleges can and can’t do when dealing with free speech controversies.
Crutchfield, James Dubick, Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield, Sara Goldrick-Rab, Jordan Herrera, Nicole Hindes, Russell Lowery-Hart, Jennifer J. Maguire, Michael Rosen, Sabrina Sanders, Rachel Sumekh
For parents who will write big checks to send their sons and daughters to college, for businesspeople of all kinds looking for leadership lessons, and for anyone invested in America's system of higher education, this book is a major work ...
The volume includes more than one hundred projects, including houses and apartments, buildings for cultural institutions and universities, office and commercial structures, government facilities, and designs for products, including fabric ...
This richly illustrated book examines the architecture of dormitories in the United States from the eighteenth century to 1968, asking fundamental questions: Why have American educators believed for so long that housing students is ...
The stories in this book show that achieving environmental sustainability is not a matter of applying the formulas of risk management or engineering technology but part of what the editors call "the messy reality of participatory engagement ...
The stories in this book show that achieving environmental sustainability is not a matter of applying the formulas of risk management or engineering technology but part of what the editors call "the messy reality of participatory engagement ...
J. Cuyjet, M. F. Howard-Hamilton , & D.L.Cooper (Eds.), Multiculturalism on campus: Theory, models, and practices for understanding diversity and creating inclusion (pp. 37– 63). Sterling, VA: Stylus. Daloz,L.A.P. (2000).