KEY BENEFIT: Emphasizing critical reading skills, this practical guide addresses the most important reading and study skills users will need to excel in college studies. Formats each chapter with a skill section, exercises for practicing the skill, comprehension check questions, and a reading selection. Covers time management, vocabulary, identification of main ideas and supporting details, critical reading, study reading, memory, reading speed, note-taking, test taking, using the library, and writing term papers. Considers different learning styles, enabling users to evaluate their individual strengths and weaknesses and make practical adaptations of learning techniques based on their individual abilities and needs. Fully upgraded reading selections draw from over 100 academic and vocational areas. Graphic aids help clarify different presentations of material, and difficult words are glossed and defined in the margin. For English professors and higher-education students.
Proceedings of the 13th Pacific Rim First Year in Higher Education Conference held in Adelaide in June 2010.
Speaking of Success Todd Currie Golf Course Technician Diploma Seneca College T the Golf Course Technician Program , as the learning was very hands - on and focused on getting a job in the golf industry . Todd continues to take courses ...
Pages 202 - 4 , section headed “ Critical Thinking : What It Is , How to Use It , ” adapted from Williams , B. K. , & Knight , S. M. ( 1994 ) . Healthy for life : Wellness and the art of living ( Pacific Grove , CA : Brooks / Cole ) ...
The Nelson Quick Guide for the College Student
College Survival: Personal and Academic Skills
Study Methods
... do In Management Weie outlined he method of time management ( summanded in the POWER L'han to the left ) Although ... She feels that choosing knowledgeable and wise people whether as peers , role models , or mentors - is essential .
Learning Success: Being Your Best at College and Life
How to Succeed in College
Inside the pages of this book, are valuable insights for students to learn how to schedule their time efficiently, how to stop procrastinating, and how to manage their studies, work, and their personal life" --