For courses in Machine Design. An integrated, case-based approach to machine design Machine Design: An Integrated Approach, 6th Edition presents machine design in an up-to-date and thorough manner with an emphasis on design. Author Robert Norton draws on his 50-plus years of experience in mechanical engineering design, both in industry and as a consultant, as well as 40 of those years as a university instructor in mechanical engineering design. Written at a level aimed at junior-senior mechanical engineering students, the textbook emphasizes failure theory and analysis as well as the synthesis and design aspects of machine elements. Independent of any particular computer program, the book points out the commonality of the analytical approaches needed to design a wide variety of elements and emphasizes the use of computer-aided engineering as an approach to the design and analysis of these classes of problems. Also available with Mastering Engineering Mastering(tm) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools developed to engage students and emulate the office-hour experience, Mastering personalizes learning and often improves results for each student. Tutorial exercises and author-created tutorial videos walk students through how to solve a problem, consistent with the author's voice and approach from the book. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; Mastering Engineering does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering Engineering, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Mastering Engineering, search for: 0136606539/9780136606536 Machine Design: An Integrated Approach Plus MasteringEngineering with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package 6/e Package consists of: 0135166802/9780135166802 MasteringEngineering with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Machine Design: An Integrated Approach, 6/e 0135184231 / 9780135184233 Machine Design: An Integrated Approach, 6/e
The radius of gyration is I d2 2.6252 ; A 16 16 = 0.431 in.2 The Euler load is Pe 72 EI 12 = 72 E2.331 362 532,500 lb In Eq . ( 32 ) , p2 1532,500 12,500 ) 0.0625 X 1.3125 50,000 X 5.412 + 1 + 0.431 50,000 X 5.412 X 532,500 + = 0 42 P2 ...
本书通过案例, 介绍了使用最新版本的Pro/E 4.0中文版进行机械设计的方法和技巧.全书共分7篇39章, 内容包括三维造型设计基础, 常用的造型创建方法, 常用模块的建模方法等.
本书主要介绍了大学生在参加机械设计竞赛中常用的设计, 加工方法, 着重讲了原理方案的构思, 包括抓取方案, 行走方案, 搬运方案, 越障方案, 提升方案, 攀爬方案以及创新设计等.
The book points out the commonality of the analytical approaches needed to design a wide variety of elements and emphasizes the use of computer-aided engineering as an approach to the design and analysis of these classes of problems.
BRONSTEIN ET AL. 2008 Bronstein, I.; Semendjajew, K.; Musiol, G.; Muehlig, H.: Taschenbuch der Mathematik. Frankfurt am Main: Harri Deutsch 2008. BROY ET AL. 1999 Broy, M.; Huber, F.; Schätz, B.: AutoFOCUS – Ein Werkzeugprototyp zur ...