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This book is primarily designed to serve as a textbook for undergraduate students of electrical, electronics, and computer engineering, but can also be used for primer courses across other disciplines of engineering and related sciences.
This book is evolved from the experience of the author who taught all lab courses in his three decades of teaching in various universities in India.
For this edition, experiments have been written in a down-to-earth style so that students can grasp the most fundamental concepts.
The emphasis is first on understanding the characteristics of basic circuits including resistors, capacitors, diodes, and bipolar and field effect transistors. The readers then use this understanding to construct...
Basic Electronics: A Text-lab Manual
Laboratory Manual for the Art of Electronics
Basic Electronics: Laboratory Manual
This lab book, written by Frank Pugh and Wes Ponick, provides students and instructors with easy to follow laboratory experiments.
This is a Electronic Devices and Circuits laboratory Manual, meant for II year Electronics, Electrical engineering students. All the circuits in this book ar tested.