NOTE: This loose-leaf, three-hole punched version of the textbook gives you the flexibility to take only what you need to class and add your own notes -- all at an affordable price. For loose-leaf editions that include MyLab(tm) or Mastering(tm), several versions may exist for each title and registrations are not transferable. You may need a Course ID, provided by your instructor, to register for and use MyLab or Mastering products. For courses in calculus-based physics. Practice makes perfect: Guided practice helps students develop into expert problem solvers Practice makes perfect. The new 15th Edition of University Physics with Modern Physics draws on a wealth of data insights from hundreds of faculty and thousands of student users to address one of the biggest challenges for students in introductory physics courses: seeing patterns and making connections between problem types. Students learn to recognize when to use similar steps in solving the same problem type and develop an understanding for problem solving approaches, rather than simply plugging in an equation. This new edition addresses students'' tendency to focus on the objects, situations, numbers, and questions posed in a problem, rather than recognizing the underlying principle or the problem''s type. New Key Concept statements at the end of worked examples address this challenge by identifying the main idea used in the solution to help students recognize the underlying concepts and strategy for the given problem. New Key Example Variation Problems appear within new Guided Practice sections and group problems by type to give students practice recognizing when problems can be solved in a similar way, regardless of wording or numbers. These scaffolded problem sets help students see patterns, make connections between problems, and build confidence for tackling different problem types when exam time comes. The fully integrated problem-solving approach in Mastering Physics gives students instructional support and just-in-time remediation as they work through problems, and links all end-of-chapter problems directly to the eText for additional guidance. Also available with Mastering Physics By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, Mastering personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.Now providing a fully integrated experience, the eText is linked to every problem within Mastering for seamless integration between homework problems, practice problems, textbook, worked examples, and more. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; Mastering Physics does not come packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering Physics , ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Mastering Physics , search for: 0135205891 / 9780135205891 University Physics with Modern Physics, Loose-Leaf Plus Mastering Physics with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 013498868X / 9780134988689 Mastering Physics with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for University Physics with Modern Physics 0135205018 / 9780135205013 University Physics with Modern Physics, Loose-Leaf Edition
This new edition addresses students' tendency to focus on the objects, situations, numbers, and questions posed in a problem, rather than recognizing the underlying principle or the problem's type.
Assimilating the best ideas from education research, this new edition provides enhanced problem-solving instruction, pioneering visual and conceptual pedagogy, the first systematically enhanced problems, and the most pedagogically proven ...
This book is the product of more than half a century of leadership and innovation in physics education.
For more than five decades, Sears and Zemansky's College Physics has provided the most reliable foundation of physics education for students around the world. The Ninth Edition continues that tradition...
Its winning combination of annotated art, carefully integrated life sciences applications, and strong problem solving and conceptual understanding pedagogy makes this the best text available for helping students master the physics they need ...
This edition features the exact same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.
Loose-Leaf Version for University Physics with Modern Physics
These popular and proven workbooks help students build confidence before attempting end-of-chapter problems.
The text's rich problem sets-developed and refined over six decades-are upgraded to include larger numbers of problems that are biomedically oriented or require calculus.
Research-based discussions and coverage of everyday topics adds a unique component to this text, which is written to inspire an appreciation of physics and physics concepts.