Managing Human Resources

Managing Human Resources
Managing Human Resources
Personnel - Direction
Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall
Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, David B. Balkin, Robert L. Cardy


This book centers on business decision-making and managerial problem-solving, consistent with today's best practices' Human Resource Management Practice and Research. Real-life cases and a global focus will hold readers' interest as this book imparts valuable information about the dynamic field of human resources. Expanded coverage of international human resource issues governs this edition of the popular book; it also covers the management of work flows, job analysis, equal opportunity and the legal environment, diversity, recruitment and selection of employees, downsizing and outplacement, performance management and appraisal, workforce training, career development, compensation management, rewards and performance, employee benefits, employee relations, employee rights and discipline, organized labor, and workplace safety and health. The reference resource for human resource directors, managers, and small business owners, as well as others in leadership positions.

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