A textbook for three categories of students: those with drafting skills who need to apply it to electronics; those with electronics skills to need an introduction to drafting principles; and those who need expose to both areas. Includes three glossaries, including computer-era definitions of familiar terms. For the third edition, the chapters have been rearranged to keep similar materials together, so instructors can easily tailor a specialized one-term course, or use different sections to offer up to three courses. First published in 1983 by Merrill and again in 1993 by Macmillan. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Drafting for Electronics
Electronics Drafting provides basic instructions for creating wiring diagrams, schematics and logic diagrams, printed circuit board designs, enclosure drawings, and pictorial drawings.
Electronic Drafting and Design
Drafting Electronics
Electrical and Electronics Drawing
This completely updated text, combined with a new project (the power supply) and the introduction of the latest CAD software, release 13 of AutoCAD, will get you the user up and drawing fast.
Basic Electronic and Electrical Drafting
Workbook in Drafting for Electronics
Electronics Drafting Workbook
The Design & Drafting of Printed Circuits