A comprehensive text on the theory and performance of transformers and electromechanical energy conversion devices, this text features a description of steady-state operation first, followed by broad concepts of conversion of energy.
Electricity 3: Motors & Generators, Controls, Transformers
Broad in scope, yet deep in content, this book offers unique, single-volume coverage of machines, transformers, controls, and electrical power distribution.The focus throughout is on topics that engineers and technologists...
Electricity 3: Motors & Generators, Controls, Transformers
This is a revision of Guru/Hiziroglu: Electric Machinery and Transformers, 2/E. The text is designed for the standard third or fourth year (junior/senior) course in electrical engineering commonly called electric...
208V Primary windings Star A1 connection 120V A2 B 1 120V B2 C1 120V Turn ratio C2 10:1 208V 208V Star connection a1 a2 b1 b2 c1 12V c2 20.8V 20.8V Secondary windings 12V 12V 20.8V FIGURE 4.23 Transformer star and star connections.
Helps energy professionals understand the state-of-the-art in rotating electrical machines and power systems.Subjects covered include physical characteristics of rotating systems, electrical power basics, AC and DC generators, transformers, ...
This book also acts as a concise reference, suitable for postgraduates and professionals from a range of disciplines who would like to work in this field.
Hancock , N.N. , Matrix Analysis of Electrical Machinery . 2nd ed . Oxford : Pergamon , 1974 . Harris , M.R. et al . , Per Unit Systems : With Special Reference to Electrical Machines . London : Cambridge University Press , 1970 .
Offers key concepts of electrical machines embedded with solved examples, review questions, illustrations and open book questions.