Building on decades of authoritative scholarship, this completely updated text continues to offer accessible, carefully crafted, and straightforward coverage of the foundations of American politics, as well consistent focus on the achievements of a government by the people In an increasingly cynical world, GBTP emphasizes that politics matters and encourages, motivates, and even inspires students–with accounts of individual and collective acts of courageousness, intellect, and integrity in the political arena–to be effective and informed citizens. With each chapter now framed by nationally-selected learning objectives and chapter mastery self-tests, several compelling new features, and an all new contemporary design, this thoroughly updated Twenty-Third Edition continues in the book’s long tradition for excellence. The Alternate Edition includes the exact same coverage as the comprehensive version but without the chapters on policy. As we enter this very complex political era, there is no more reliable or more relevant text to help you advance your students from being simple onlookers to knowledgeable participants in the American political experience.
This and previous editions have been considerably improved as a result of reviews by the following individuals ... M University Susan E. Baer , University of Wisconsin , Oshkosh Alan Balboni , Community College of Southern Nevada Thad ...
McCraw, Thomas K. Prophets of Regulation: Charles Francis Adams, Louis D. Brandeis, James M. Landis, Alfred E. Kahn. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984. ———. “Rethinking the Trust Question.” In Regulation in Perspective, ...
The Gettysburg Address is a speech by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, one of the best-known in American history.
-- Thomas F. Schwartz, Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Lincoln Herald
KEY BENFIT: " This comprehensive, classic book takes readers from on-lookers to participants. "Government by the People" lets them see democracy as the participatory government that it is.
An electronic version is also included on the Faculty Resource CD-ROM. New to this Edition: NEW! "Government's Greatest Endeavors.
Government by the People: Basic Edition
For the Introduction to American Government or Introduction to American Politics courses. This is the most authoritative text for American Government. Always one step ahead of the competition.
"Approximately 20% shorter and less expensive than its parent text--fourteen chapters instead of eighteen--this full-color Brief Second Edition of By the People features a more streamlined narrative and is enhanced by its own unique full ...
The softcover split edition of ECCE ROMANI 1 contains chapters 18 through 27. View the Ecce Romani Interactive Textbook