This companion work provides an introduction toMultisimand supports its use in a beginning linear circuits course based on the textbook,Electric Circuits, Eighth Edition by James W. Nilssson and Susan A. Riedel. The ease of use interface and design features of Multisim make interactive validation of circuit behavior uncomplicated and insightful. Topics appear in this supplement in the same order in which they are presented in the text. Step by step instructions, screen captures and 22 illustrative examples provide an easy path for mastering circuit simulation with Multisim. To assess understanding a list of recommended exercises from each chapter of the main text are provided at the conclusion of each chapter.
Designed for use in a one or two-semester Introductory Circuit Analysis or Circuit Theory Course taught in Electrical or Computer Engineering Departments.
Electric Circuits: Introduction to Multisim
Introduction to Multisim for Electric Circuits
This book is concerned with circuit simulation using National Instruments Multisim.
This book is concerned with circuit simulation using National Instruments Multisim.
This text is also suitable for use in non-specialist survey courses at the university level.
PSpice for Digital Communications Engineering Paul Tobin 2007 PSpice for Circuit Theory and Electronic Devices Paul Tobin 2007 Pragmatic Circuits: DC and Time Domain William J. Eccles 2006 Pragmatic Circuits: Frequency Domain William J.
Covers advanced analyses and the creation of models and subcircuits. This book also includes coverage of transmission lines, the special elements which are used to connect components in PCBs and integrated circuits.
This book is designed as an introductory course for undergraduate students, in Electrical and Electronic, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Chemical and Petroleum engineering, who need fundamental knowledge of electrical circuits.
The 12th Edition includes all new assessment problems with answers and completely updated end-of-chapter problems. Hallmark features of this title Analysis Methods offer step-by-step directions to guide students to a problem's solution.