"We wrote this book for business school students who wanted an in-depth look at how today's business firms use information technologies and systems to achieve corporate objectives. Information systems are one of the major tools available to business managers for achieving operational excellence, developing new products and services, improving decision making, and achieving competitive advantage. Students will find here the most up-to-date and comprehensive overview of information systems used by business firms today. After reading this book, we expect students will be able to participate in, and even lead, management discussions of information systems for their firms. The 14th edition features all new opening, closing, and Interactive Session cases. The text, figures, tables, and cases have been updated with the latest sources from industry and MIS research"--
In addition to the core text, this edition includes a Video Case Package consisting of 28 video case studies and 10 instructional videos to illustrate business uses of information systems, explain new technologies, and explore concepts.
Exceptionally practical in approach, this volume prepares readers for the constantly changing demands of using information systems as managers in today's fast-paced organizations. It relates MIS to management, the organization...
The authors know information systems knowledge is essential for creating competitive firms, managing global corporations and providing useful products and services to customers.
Pitkow , James , Hinrich Schutze , Todd Cass , Rob Cooley , Don Turnbull , Andy Edmonds , Eytan Adar y Thomas Breuel . “ Personalized Search ” , Communications of the ACM ... Badler , Norman I. , Martha S. Palmer y Rama Bindiganavale .
Essentials of Management Information Systems, 2/e, prepares students of the constantly changing demands of information systems management - first by relating MIS to management, the organization, and technology, focusing on...
Laudon and Laudon continue to emphasize how business objectives shape the application of new information systems and technologies.
Also Available with MyMISLabTM This title is also available with MyMISLab, an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results.
Essentials of Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm
Pearson Education LTD . Pearson Education Australia PTY , Limited Pearson Education Singapore , Pte . Ltd Pearson Education North Asia Ltd Pearson Education , Canada , Ltd Pearson Educación de Mexico , S.A. de C.V. Pearson Education ...
Key Terms; Discussion Questions; References; Chapter 2 HIS Scope, Definition, and Conceptual Model; Learning Objectives; Introduction; HIS Uses in Organizational and Community Settings; Summary; Key Terms; Discussion Questions; References; ...