For courses in Computer-Based Instructional Design (CORE / Instructional Technology) and Instructional Design (Ed Psych / Tests & Measurement). A clear step-by-step guide to designing, developing, and evaluating instruction A classic in the field, Systematic Design of Instruction simply and clearly introduces students to the fundamentals of instructional design (ID), the concepts and procedures they need to know in order to effectively analyze, design, develop, and formatively evaluate instruction. This is not a textbook to be memorized, but rather a learning-by-doing resource that helps students create their own sound, effective instruction. The intuitive chapter organization walks students through each step in the ID process, integrating practical applications, contemporary design examples, research, annotated references, and sample rubrics and exercises along the way. Readers will learn a systematic, thoughtful, inquiry-based approach to creation, which in turn helps ensure the success of students in their charge. The 9th Edition has retained the features that have been most popular and helpful in previous editions, while adding new perspectives and features that keep the text current, including new overviews; new formative evaluation suggestions and rubrics; new process flowcharts; updated references and recommended readings; additional attention to important topics such as learning and portable digital devices; and additional tables. Extend learning beyond the classroom Pearson eText is an easy-to-use digital textbook that students can purchase on their own or you can assign for your course. It lets students read, highlight, and take notes all in one place. The mobile app lets students learn on the go, offline or online. Creating a course allows you to schedule readings, view reading analytics, and share your own notes with students, motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning. Learn more about Pearson eText.
This classic text introduces students to the fundamentals of instructional design and helps them learn the concepts and procedures for designing, developing, and evaluating instruction for all delivery formats. The...
A guide to instructional design for graduate-level educational and instructional technology programs, covering the fundamentals and procedures for designing, developing, and evaluating instruction. Chapters on needs assessment, goal analysis, and...
This classic book simply and clearly introduces readers to the fundamentals of instructional design and helps them learn the concepts and procedures for designing, developing, and evaluating instruction for all delivery formats.
Krueger, R., and Casey, M. Focus Groups: A Practical Guide to Applied Research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2000. ... In J. Hackman and J. Suttle (Eds.), Improving Life at Work. Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear, 1977. Lawler, E. III.
A Systematic Approach William J. Rothwell, Bud Benscoter, Marsha King, Stephen B. King ... Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, ...
Practitioners can use this book as a reference guide to support their design of courses, materials, or environments for complex learning.
Practitioners can use this book as a reference guide to support their design of courses, curricula, or environments for complex learning.
Following an introduction to systematic instructional design, the second and third chapters of the book discuss a systems model of the classroom and the setting of objectives for systematic instruction.
Handleiding voor het systematisch plannen van onderwijs voor leraren, curriculum ontwerpers em managers
The primary rationale for this book is to respond to the need for an instruction design primer that addresses the current proliferation of complex educational development models, particularly non-traditional approaches to learning, ...