Are you feeling a little rusty with your social studies content knowledge? This brief primer, Social Studies Content for Elementary and Middle School Teachers, Second Edition, is just what you need. It provides a helpful overview of both U.S. and world history, in addition to basic knowledge in geography, economics, and civics. The wide history coverage will allow you to see historical events in overall context, provides an overview for planning, and will help you answer student questions confidently. Geography, economics, and civics concepts are clearly explained, so the book will be helpful when used in writing lesson plans. Check out the resources lists that include relevant Websites, student literature, . major subject area organizations, museums, and U.S. government sites. Finally, an extensive index allows you to look up subjects and answers at a glance.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Cazden, C. B. (1998). Classroom discourse: The language of teaching and learning. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Chapman, E. (2003). Assessing student engagement rates. College Park, MD: ERIC Clearinghouse ...
This book explains the content of nine areas in social studies.
... The, 223 Greenspan, A., 530 Griffin, P., 517 Grimes, N., 416 Growing Up in Coal Country, 557 Gruber, K. D., 310 Grubic, A., 351, 520 Guccione, L. M., 155, 156 Guidelines for Geographic Education: Elementary and Secondary Schools, ...
Building on the success of the first edition, Social Studies for the Elementary and Middle Grades discusses flexible strategies for teaching today's diverse learner, the structure of the knowledge to...
Elementary and Middle School Social Studies: An Interdisciplinary, Multicultural Approach
An Annotated Resource Guide Gary Lare ... In the Land of Canada section , students learn about songs and symbols of Canada , complete map activities , study the large cities ... Discovering Canada : Using the Five Themes of Geography .
Based on the principle that the fundamental purpose of the social studies should be the development of reflective, competent, and concerned global citizens, Social Studies for Elementary School Classrooms matches solid social studies ...
While continuing to blend theory and practice, this new edition brings the book into the digital age, emphasizing teaching social studies well and stressing understanding of the practices of good social studies teaching.
This text offers a teacher and student-friendly collection of lessons and activities that help educators use picture books to engage younger students in meaningful social studies activities and bring this critical subject back in elementary ...
This text presents a methodology that offers every child a chance to succeed regardless of language, culture, intellectual ability, physical attributes, emotional capabilities, or social skills.