Are you prepared to serve and teach all students? The second edition of "Special Education for Today's Teachers: An Introduction "not only will provide a solid foundation for being a teacher in today's classroom, but also will help you to truthfully answer this question. The challenges we face today in special education require highly qualified, reflective practitioners who use research-based strategies in the classroom and who are excited about the success and future of students. This book will help prepare you to meet these requirements and find the solutions that will lead you to that success. A focus on Professionalism "My Profession, My Story "vignettes highlight teachers, their life experiences, dispositions, and attitudes, and how all of these factors relate to daily teaching practice and the profession. "The Real World: Challenges and Solutions" Chapter 16: Continuing a Successful Career: Professionalism, Collaborative Support, and Professional Development Addresses the CEC Knowledge and Skill Standards, CEC code of Ethics, and PRAXIS Standards A focus on Effective Instructional Application "Can You Help Me with This Student?" features present a scenario or case study in which a teacher is facing a difficult situation with a student and show how this challenge could be resolved. "Technology for Access "features are integrated throughout the text. Chapter 5: Effective Teaching in a Well-Managed Classroom A focus on Reflection Chapter 1: Teaching Students with Special Needs: Professional Roles and Responsibilities "Reflective Exercises "margin notes engage readers through thought-provoking questions that extend the content of the narrative. "Reflect Upon "focus questions at the beginning of each chapter serve as not only an advance organizer for the reader, but also a point of consideration related to the topics covered in the chapter.
For introductory course in Special Education. This brief, core, or supplementary text discusses the basic categorical information about the most prevalant disabilities teachers will encounter in the classroom and the...
This text stands out from the crowd with its strong belief in the capacity of special educators, general educators, related service professionals, and families to collaborate with one another for inclusion, and that inclusion is not only ...
What tools are in the toolkit of an excellent special educator, and how can teacher preparation programs provide these tools in the most efficient, effective way possible?
This book is a short, practical, realistic guide for teachers in special education, (particularly those working with children with severe disabilities) explaining how to more effectively communicate with classroom parents.It is written from ...
This field-tested guide provides everything you need to effectively support and mentor your special education teachers, increase their job satisfaction, and keep your retention rates high!
Topics covered include * The pre-referral, referral, and evaluation processes * Individualized education programs (IEPs) and the parties involved * Accommodations for students who do not quality for special education, including those ...
Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education , Inc. , Upper Saddle River , NJ . Table 7-3 Format for Segmenting Teacher Students 1. We're going to say words slowly . 2. First word : sad . I'll say it slowly . Listen .
This manual encompasses all of the critical components regarding special education laws, referral and identification processes, IEP dvelopment, inter-agency collaboration, working with other IEP team members, definition of special education ...
The editors and authors examine how special educational needs affect Content areas like reading and math Specialization areas like autism and learning disabilities Pedagogical areas like culturally responsive practices and accommodations ...
Offers definitions and characteristics of sixteen challenges students may face, including autism, dyslexia, emotional disorders, and being gifted and talented, and covers such issues as privacy, eligibility, and Individualized Education ...