For pre-service and graduate level courses in Arts Integration, Art Methods, Music Education, Drama Education, Dance Education, and Literacy Block Courses.The new edition of this best selling text on arts-based teaching redefines literacy in light of the 21st century need for multiple literacies. The arts (literature, visual art, drama, dance, and music) are presented as core communication vehicles necessary to understand and express thoughts and feelings at the core of digital and multimedia communication.This research-based handbook provides teachers with an Arts Integration Blueprint, comprised of 10 building blocks for arts-based instruction that includes collaborative unit planning, best arts-based teaching practices, and assessment for learning. The Five Seed Strategy chapters provide a compendium of activities to jumpstart the use of literature, art, music, drama, and dance as integral teaching tools for science, social studies, math, and literacy instruction.This is a must-have resource for teachers who want to use the arts to motivate students, emphasize meaningful use of arts content and processes to engage students in inquiry-based problem solving, and enhance achievement.