Shogan , A. W. , Management Science . Englewood Cliffs , NJ .: PrenticeHall , 1988 . Chapter 18 MARKOV PROCESS ( MKV ) Overview of the Decision and Probability Theory ( DSPB ) 343 References.
Contains problem-solving algorithms in the management sciences. Using a menu-driven structure, covers linear programming, integer linear programming, transportation problems, assignment problems, and network modeling, among others.
Quantitative Systems for Business: QSB, Version 2.0
Qsb+ Version 3. 0 5. 25 Bk/Disk Chang/Sullivan
Contains problem-solving algorithms in the management sciences. Using a menu-driven structure, covers linear programming, integer linear programming, transportation problems, assignment problems, and network modeling, among others.
Contains problem-solving algorithms in the management sciences. Using a menu-driven structure, covers linear programming, integer linear programming, transportation problems, assignment problems, and network modeling, among others.
A Global Environmental Perspective Paul F. Hudson. Q+, Qsb+ w+, d±, (w/d)+, λ+, S–, s± Q–, Qsb – w–, d± , (w/d)–, λ–, S+, s± Q+, Qsb – w± , d+, (w/d) ± , λ± , S+, s– Q–, Qsb+ w± , d–, (w/d) ± , λ± , S–, s+ Q: streamflow (discharge); Qsb ...
... QSB+), as well as Excel® spreadsheets (Microsoft Corporation) were used for queuing system behavior calculations. Based on this data with an aim to implement the mathematic model of queues, the average ship arrival rate (X) and the ...
This updated text covers flight control systems, flight dynamics, aircraft modeling, and flight simulation from both classical design and modern perspectives, as well as two new chapters on the modeling, simulation, and adaptive control of ...
This introduction to the often mathematically rigorous techniques and applications of management science is designed to make the subject accessible for students with no mathematical background or skills. It focuses...
... QSB+ computer software. It was observed that the solution time increased rapidly as the number of beds in the service increased. The large increase in computation time required to solve the problem is directly due to the business matrix ...