For courses in educational technology. Effective ways to teach with technology Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching gives teachers a solid foundation to incorporate transformative technology in their classrooms. Learning theories and research-based practices model how to effectively plan, select and evaluate technology use across 12 content areas. Hands-on exercises and sample lessons help teachers develop the insight and skills they need to become technology leaders. The 9th Edition keeps pace with the evolving role of technology in education, reflecting current tools, methods and research. New features address digital inequity issues that affect children's educational success. Hallmark features of this title A technology integration planning model provides a guide to design pedagogy that is responsive to instructional, curricular or learning challenges. Discipline-specific chapters show how to use technology effectively in 12 content areas. Technology Integration in Action scenarios model how to select and use technology to solve specific classroom problems. Technology Integration examples offer lesson ideas that correlate to the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students (2016) and/or state standards. Teacher Growth sections offer strategies for continued learning, advancing leadership in technology integration and a self-assessment rubric. Technology Integration Workshops provide hands-on opportunities to plan, apply and evaluate lessons. New and updated features of this title NEW: Digital Equity and Justice features in each chapter highlight issues that affect children's learning. Practical suggestions help teachers examine issues in locally relevant ways and advocate for their students. NEW: Emphasis on the value of social constructivism in digital learning. While both directed and social constructivist theories are discussed in detail, social constructivist approaches situate children in more active, hands-on learning. NEW: Coverage prepares teachers to teach in online or hybrid classrooms due to physical separation during disasters like the global COVID-19 pandemic or local forest fires. Chapters highlight ways to provide high-quality online learning experiences for every student. UPDATED: Examples and research-based perspectives reflect real educational technology practices in real schools. UPDATED: Top 10 Must-Have Technologies, written by subject matter experts, detail recent and helpful educational technologies in each content area. The LMS-Compatible Assessment Bank streamlines assessments and grading NEW: Learning outcome quizzes, application exercises and automatically graded chapter tests can be assigned from a packaged file. Questions give students feedback and model responses based on their answers. Features of Pearson eText for the 9th Edition UPDATED/NEW: Video Examples, including authentic classroom videos and interviews with experts in the field, expand on principles or concepts in each chapter, helping put the reading into context. UPDATED: Artifacts promote deeper understanding with links to self-assessments, the RAT Matrix, a Technology Impact Checklist, and a Technology Lesson Plan Evaluation Checklist. Other artifacts like the Multimedia Checklist and the Online Discussion Rubric can be adopted or adapted into lessons. Associated questions guide students to think and make decisions like a teacher. UPDATED: Interactive Glossary lets students quickly build their professional vocabulary as they read.