Electric Circuits

Electric Circuits
James Nilsson, Susan Riedel


For introductory courses in circuit analysis/theory. Challenge students to develop the insight of a practicing engineer Electric Circuits provides thorough coverage of circuit analysis and theory. It presents key concepts in a natural progression, motivating students to build on their knowledge. Step-by-step analysis methods provide a solid foundation for students to develop their problem-solving skills. Over 1200 problems and nearly 200 examples introduce realistic engineering experiences that challenge students to develop the insights of a practicing engineer. The 12th Edition includes all new assessment problems with answers and completely updated end-of-chapter problems. Hallmark features of this title Analysis Methods offer step-by-step directions to guide students to a problem's solution. Practical Perspectives introduce real-world circuit examples. Practical applications are demonstrated by performing a quantitative circuit analysis. Fundamental Equations and Concepts are set apart to focus on key principles and navigate through important topics. Examples illustrate concepts in the form of a numeric example. Nearly 200 examples apply a particular concept, often employ an Analysis Method, and exemplify good problem-solving skills. Integration of PSpice and Multisim, popular computer tools for circuit simulation and analysis. Problems suited for exploration with PSpice and Multisim are marked accordingly. New and updated features of this title Breadth, depth and variety of problems NEW/UPDATED: 1200 Chapter Problems reinforce problem solving as fundamental to the study of circuit analysis. Nearly all existing problems were revised, and some new problems were added. NEW: Assessment Problems let students stop at key points in a chapter and assess their mastery of an objective by applying it to solve 1 or more problems. Every Assessment Problem is new to the 12th edition and comes with answers to all parts of the problem posed. Features of Mastering Engineering for the 12th Edition End-of-Chapter exercises feature wrong-answer feedback and hints that guide students, allowing them to learn from their mistakes and master course concepts. Videos, developed by the author, offer step-by-step solution walkthroughs of many of the Assessment Problems from the text, involving students in the problem-solving process. UPDATED: Introduction to Multisim and Introduction to PSpice Manuals introduce these two popular simulators using examples tied directly to the main text. NEW: Early Alerts use predictive analytics based on a student's work, such as correct answers on the first try. They let you identify and support struggling students as early as possible, even if their scores are not a cause for concern. Tutorial homework problems emulate the instructor's office-hour environment, guiding students through concepts in multi-step problems. Wrong-answer specific feedback is given, along with optional hints to break a problem down further. Adaptive Follow-ups provide extra targeted practice after a homework assignment to address gaps in understanding.

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