This concise but comprehensive introductory text covers the production and care of domestic animals.
Arnold , G. W. , Campbell , N. A. , and Galbraith , K. A. , Mathematical relationships and computer routines for a model of food ... Butterworth , M. H. and Diaz , L. , Use of equations to predict the nutritive value of tropical grasses ...
本书从美术史的研究视野出发,着眼于辽金时期的考古发现、传世文物与文献史籍,考察探讨辽金皇家艺术工程中所呈现出的艺术史要素,关照多种艺术语言和视觉综合体的内在逻辑 ...
These counties were Huang Cheng County , which is in the area east of the Yellow River and which grows mainly coarse wool , and Sandan County which produces both fine wool and coarse wool . ( Huang Cheng is also the name of ...
In concurrence with other authors ( Carter & McGoldrick , 1989 ; Hartman & Laird , 1983 ; McDaniel et al . , 1990 ) , we define family as two or more people related or connected biologically , emotionally , or legally .
1 Maconochie ]R Madgwick ]C Madsen NP Mahendra K] Mahon R] Mak KP Manchanda AH Mander LN Mander STK Marasas WFO ... A1 Maunwongyathi P Mazza SM McAdam D McAlpine ]B McBride T] McCall M] McCamish M McChesney MM McClure T] McCredie RS ...
( 1990 ) exposed three cultivars of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus ) to a daily dose of 11.6 k / m biologically effective UV - B radiation in an unshaded greenhouse before and / or after inoculation with Colletotrichum laginarium ...
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL OF BIRDS Keith A. Arnold INTRODUCTION Problems arise between bird and human populations for three reasons : economics , health hazards , and nuisances . Bird populations are competing with humans for resources and ...
... park , the athletic grounds , the skating rink , the co - operative creamery , the cheese factory , the bakery and the like . Most importantly , though , the size of the administrative unit had to be enlarged through consolidation .
... by Booher in an FAO publication . Sprinklers simulate rainfall by spraying water from pipes under pressure . Localized irrigation applies water at or near the plant at a rate which is far less than the soil infiltration rate .
Fitzgerald , C.H. ( 1975 ) Early root development and anatomical parasite - host relationships of black senna with slash pine . Forest Science 21 , 239-242 . Fitzgerald , C.H. and Terrell , S. ( 1975 ) Control of Seymeria cassioides ...