This thorough, practical book presents the full spectrum of topics, with a fresh, contemporary perspective and a friendly, down-to-earth tone. Coverage integrates current school counseling program models with the comprehensive...
" School Counselor Accountability A MEASURE of Student Success "Second Edition Carolyn B. Stone and Carol A. Dahir Practical Strategies for Building Accountability. This book provides strategies for designing and...
In this book you will learn: Ways to lead, advocate and collaborate for achievement and success for all students.
The content of this book looks at the history and fundamentals of classroom guidance, how these activities meet CACREP and ASCA standards, how and why activities should be aligned to the larger academic curriculum and state/national ...
The Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs is a resource to develop effective and high quality comprehensive school counseling programs that align with Texas statutes and rules governing the work of school counselors.
This authoritative guide from highly respected counselor educators and trainers gives preservice and inservice school counselors the tools to knowledgeably identify evidence-based practices in their field and to use data in designing, ...
The text begins with coverage of school counseling foundations, addresses intervention and prevention, and devotes the final section to enhancing academics through a positive school culture. “Not only does this text address the CACREP ...
School counseling for the twenty-first century (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Cobia, D. C., & Henderson, D. A. (In press). Developing an effective and accountable school counseling program (3rd ed.).
MEASURE is an action research model that serves as a supplemental text for school counseling and administration courses. The book shows how to design and implement accountable programs and how to measure and report results.
One of school counselors' main function is the development and implementation of comprehensive school counseling programs (ASCA, 2012).