The host of the award-winning humorous news program offers tongue-in-cheek insight into American democracy with coverage of such topics as the republican qualities of ancient Rome, the antics of our nation's founders, and the ludicrous ...
Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, a psychology professor at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts, and an expert on twentysomethings, ascribes their optimism to their lack of life experience. “The dreary, deadend jobs, the bitter divorces, ...
• A New Republic Best Book of the Year • The Globalist Top Books of the Year • Winner of the Maine Literary Award for Non-fiction • Particularly relevant in understanding who voted for who in this presidential election year, this is ...
Vividly expressed in Faith Ringgold's sumptuous colors and patterns, We Came to America is an ode to every American who came before us, and a tribute to each child who will carry its proud message of diversity into our nation's future.
Yet, personal or local stories do not provide a comprehensive nationwide picture of our access to health care. Now, this book offers the long-awaited health equivalent of national economic indicators.
Presents the popular poem by one of the central figures in the Harlem Renaissance, highlighting the courage and dignity of the African American Pullman porters in the early twentieth century.
During the 1980s Akzente presented a variety of American poets , both new and established , including John Ashbery , Hart Crane , Robert Lowell , Robert Creeley , Robinson Jeffers , William Carlos Williams , “ Amy Clampitt , Emily ...
Bonds of Enterprise: John Murray Forbes and Western Development in America's Railway Age
DISCOVER THE NOVEL BEHIND THE BRILLIANT NEW TV DRAMA 'Though on the morning after the election disbelief prevailed, especially among the pollsters, by the next everybody seemed to understand everything...'...
Recapitalizing America: Alternatives to the Corporate Distortion of National Policy