For introductory-level courses in Advertising offered by communications, journalism, and marketing departments.
This classic text introduces advertising as both an art and science while providing a broad overview of advertising issues and functions. Covering the entire field of advertising with special emphasis in IMC and new technologies, it places advertising within a contemporary, integrated marketing framework to demonstrate how advertising must be coordinated with all other aspects of marketing communications.
Procedural approach, very applied, technical.
This classic introduction to advertising provides a broad overview of advertising issues and functions. It places the advertising function within a contemporary, integrated marketing framework--showing how the advertising function must...
Includes glossary & index
Kleppner's Advertising Procedure
Otto Kleppner's Advertising Procedure
Kleppner's Advertising Procedure
Otto Kleppner's Advertising Procedure
Study Guide, Otto Kleppner's Advertising Procedure, Eighth Edition: Guide
Otto Kleppner's Advertising Procedure, Eighth Edition: Instructor's Manual with Tests. Manual
Kleppner's Advertising Procedure
Kleppner's Advertising Procedure