Wrightslaw: All about Tests and Assessments : Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
AID=/20061030/NEWS01/ 610300317/1001 Reid, K. D., Hersko, W. P., & Hamill, D. D. (1981/2001). Test of early reading ability, third edition (TERA-3). ... Retrieved June 26, 2005, from http://www.cato.org Ritchie, S. (2004). Horace Mann.
Beyond Testing describes seven forms of assessment that are more effective than standardized test results.
Balance scores tend to be better in the morning than in the afternoon or evening (Gribble, Tucker, and White 2007), suggesting that if multiple tests are to be compared over time, the time of day needs to be standardized.
In M. Hamilton, R. Heydon, K. Hibbert, & R. Stooke (Eds.), Negotiating spaces for literacy learning: Multimodality and governmentality (pp. 57–76). London: Bloomsbury. doi:10.5040/9781474257138.ch-005 Hibbert, K. (2015).
In his 1997 State of the Union address, President Clinton announced a federal initiative to develop tests of 4th-grade reading and 8th-grade mathematics that would provide reliable information about student performance at two key points in ...
This report critically reviews selected psychological tests, including symptom validity tests, that could contribute to SSA disability determinations.
This volume stems from an ETS-sponsored colloquium in which more than 200 measurement professionals from eight countries and 29 states convened to assess the current and future status of CBT.
This report is aimed at helping Congress better understand the functions, history, capabilities, limitations, uses, and misues of educational tests; learn more about the promises and pitfalls of new assessment...
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