Presents a comprehensive and integrated method for program design and evaluation. Uses a systems approach to program planning with step-by-step procedures. Information related to activity analysis, treatment plans, and management concerns are examined.
本书是伯特?海灵格先生91岁高龄对其家庭系统排列理论精华的梳理,书中涵盖了17篇短小精悍的故事,是从其115种全球已出版图书中甄选而来,是对海灵格家庭系统排列关键问题和理 ...
Part of PsycBOOKS collection.
... M. , & Scogin , F. ( 1989 ) . Metaanalysis of non - medical treatments for chronic pain : Corrigendum . Pain , 37 ( 1 ) , 128 . Mann , J. ( 1973 ) . Time - limited psychotherapy . Cambridge , MA : Harvard University Press . Mann ...
After reading about the fundamental skills and techniques of counseling in the text, you can access complementary role plays, skill demonstrations, and process stages ... to see the same essential principles in action. -Back cover.
Kushner , M. , and Sandler , J .: Aversion therapy and the concept of punishment . Behaviour Research and Therapy , 4 : 179–186 , 1966 . Lacey , J. I .: Somatic Response Patterning and Stress : Some Revisions of Activation Theory .
They may also need to become systemic change agents , intervening in environments that impede the development of Native youth ( Eberhard , 1989 ) . In the school setting , for example , counselors can encourage the revision of curricula ...
Biofeedback and Behavioral Medicine
本书用图文并茂的方式讲解了催眠的核心原理及应用, 并重点讲解了几种常用的催眠方法, 以及自我催眠的入门要领.
因此,我在某种程度上是一个“扁平人物”(出自英国小说家爱德华·摩根·福斯特的《小说面面观》。——译注)。 30年代,希特勒掌权以后,我们惊惧地看着事态的发展,然而我认为自己暂时还不会陷入危险的境地。我们觉得自己是中产阶级,应该能够得到保护。
這本書裡有很多東西可以養活我們的靈魂。──《泰晤士報》 ★《泰晤士報》年度百大最佳書籍 ★ 2020年英國溫萊特自然寫作獎入圍 ★《 Garen & Gun》年度選書 ★ ...