Instructor's Manual and Test Questions to Accompany World Religions Today
Living Religions: Instructor's Manual and Tests
Many Peoples, Many Faiths: Instructor's Manual with Tests
Note: MyReligionLab does no come automatically packaged with this text.
Instructor's Manual with Test Items for Denise Carmody and T.L. Brink's Ways to the Center: An Introduction to World Religions
This Book a la Carte Edition is an unbound, three-hole punched, loose-leaf version of the textbook and provides students the opportunity to personalized their book by incorporating their own notes and taking the portion of the book they ...
NEW TO THIS EDITION: * Updates throughout that cover more aspects of the current international situation and developments in religious life around the world * "Rituals and Rites" boxes examining rituals that have changed in practice or ...
NEW TO THIS EDITION: * Updates throughout that cover more aspects of the current international situation and developments in religious life around the world * "Rituals and Rites" boxes examining rituals that have changed in practice or ...
This classic work helps students gain a sense of each religion's unique characteristics while tackling some of today's most critical religious issues.
Note: MyReligionLab does no come automatically packaged with this text.