The Book of Chuang Tzu

The Book of Chuang Tzu
Chinese literature
Penguin (Non-Classics)
Zhuangzi, Martin Palmer


A masterpiece of ancient Chinese philosophy, second in influence only to the "Tao Te Ching" One of the founders of Taoism, Chuang Tzu was firmly opposed to Confucian values of order, control, and hierarchy, believing the perfect state to be one where primal, innate nature rules. Full of profundity as well as tricks, knaves, sages, jokers, unbelievably named people, and uptight Confucians, "The Book of Chuang Tzu" perceives the Taothe Way of Naturenot as a term to be explained but as a path to walk. Radical and subversive, employing wit, humor, and shock tactics, "The Book of Chuang Tzu" offers an intriguing look deep into Chinese culture.

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