An informative book provides facts and refutes myths about a disease that affects three hundred out of every hundred thousand Americans, discussing its origins and symptoms as well as presenting personal accounts from those who have or had suffered from CFS. Reprint.
This is an exceptional and very helpful nutritional program She has included both vegetarian emphasis, high complex carbohydrate recipes as well as high protein, meat-based recipes, depending on the type of diet that your body needs most ...
Stimulation of acupressure points through finger pressure can be done by you or by a friend following simple instructions . It is safe , painless and can be done without years of specialized training . Make sure your hands are clean and ...
After many years of careful study coupled with practical hands-on experience, Perrin has arrived at the firm conclusion that M.E. is a structural disorder with definite diagnosable physical signs.
Goldenberg , D.L. , Felson , O.T. , and Dinerman , H. A randomized controlled trial of amitriptyline and naproxen in the treatment of patients with fibromyalgia . Arthritis Rheum , 29 : 1371 , 1986 . Hales , Ferguson , Yudofsky .
This book will share the insights of Dr. Colbert as well as those of some of the top medical researchers in the world on lung cancer treatment, diagnosis and prevention.
Win the battle against chronic pain and fatigue by learning to take steps from burned out to fired up, know which foods that harm and which supplements give life, find out a walking program just for you, and discover God's promise to ...
Judging Judi by Judith M.L. Day
First pub in USA entitled : Recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome.
If You Would Just Get Out of Bed: My Life with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Kirmayer L, Robbins J. Three forms of somatization in primary care: prevalence, co-occurrence and sociodemographic characteristics. / Nerv Mcnt Dis 1991,179:647-55. 7. Creed F, Mayou R, Hopkins A (eds).