What do Levittown, the 1939 World's Fair, and the Model T have in common? To what invention can the existence of suburban sprawl, toll booths, mall shopping, an oil-obsessed foreign policy, fast food, and air and noise pollution be attributed?The interstate highway. This landmark enterprise of the 1950s literally changed the face of America for eternity. In 1919, Dwight D. Eisenhower needed sixty-two days to travel from Washington, D.C., to San Francisco. Now, eighty years and 42,500 miles of paved roads later, the trip can be made in less than seventy-two hours.Divided Highways is the fascinating history behind the efforts to make cement trails across America, told through the stories of the people who dreamed up, mapped out, paved -- and even tried to stop -- the interstate highways. Popular historian Tom Lewis details man's triumph over nature in an engaging, sweeping style. Award-winning film director Ken Burns says: He tells the story of how we get from point A to point B in America. And just as our lives should be, Lewis makes the journey more interesting and meaningful than the destination.
In this third novel in the Stopover series, the Plains town of Bamptonville is set to erupt and plunge into turmoil, bursting out of the rigid class community structure that has been its lot for more than a hundred years.
"TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 794: Median Cross-Section Design for Rural Divided Highways provides guidelines for designing typical cross-sections for medians on new and existing rural freeways and ...
This report describes common safety issues at median intersections on rural divided highways and presents innovative geometric and operational treatments for addressing those issues. Ten case studies illustrate how they...
Buggyaut , this time with brakes , for America's first automobile race in 1895 , the Times - Herald contest in Chicago ... Other American mechanics and visionaries were fiddling with the new technology , trying to harness the engine's ...
From the speed demon who inspired a primitive web of dirt auto trails to the largely forgotten technocrats who planned the system years before Ike reached the White House to the city dwellers who resisted the concrete juggernaut when it ...
Traffic Officer J. J. Dudley was an Omaha landmark, “the human semaphore” at Sixteenth and Farnham—but when two women in their mid-twenties sauntered past nonchalant and bare-legged, even the stolid Dudley “was so overcome for a few ...
In the wake of the Great Depression and two world wars, and at the dawn of the cold war, President Dwight D. Eisenhower viewed a national road system as vital...
David W. Barton to Bridwell, October 28, 1968, MAD Collection, Correspondence File, series II, box 1; Anthony Downs, Urban Problems and Pros- pects (Chicago: Markham, 1970), 204–05; Grier, “Social Impact Analysis of an Urban Freeway ...
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways
Goez Art Studio, 1975 Though his work defined a marketable image of the suburban good life in 1960s Los Angeles, David Hockney never actually painted an L.A. freeway. The closest he came was his 1980 portrait Mulholland Drive, ...