Set In South Pakistan, This Controversial Novel Is A Searing Study Of Evil. It Is The Tragic And Shocking Story Of The Beautiful Heer, Brutalized And Corrupted By Pir Sain, The So-Called Man Of God Whom She Is Married To At The Age Of Fifteen.
Included here are some of his most esteemed tales, including “What You Pawn I Will Redeem,” "This is What it Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona,” “The Toughest Indian in the World,” and his most recent, “War Dances.” Alexie’s ...
In Douglas Preston's Blasphemy, the world's biggest supercollider, locked in an Arizona mountain, was built to reveal the secrets of the very moment of creation: the Big Bang itself.
No more than Bernard Shaw can be blamed for failing in his criticism of Wagnerian opera to anticipate subsequent Nazi use of it , does it make sense to reprove Barthes for failure to see what had not yet occurred .
Blasphemy: Art that Offends is a prescient examination of the perpetually troubled, often explosive relationship between religion, politics and art. This book draws on a rich wealth of visual material,...
This volume provides the first world survey of the range and effects of such accusations in the contemporary Muslim world, in international organizations, and in the West.
Loy, Goy Israels (quoted in Pozorski, “Eugenicist Mistress,” 47), and Last Lunar Baedeker, 121. 35. Kristeva, New Maladies, 220. 36. Loy, Last Lunar Baedeker, 253, and “Elucidation of Religion and Eros” (Mina Loy Papers, box 6, ...
The author of The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven and the PEN/Faulkner award-winning War Dances combines his beloved classic short stories with new ones in this anthology that features tales involving donkey basketball leagues, ...
This work is an antidote to those temptations. This is not a scan or facsimile, has been updated in modern English for easy reading and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.
Society has always condemned as blasphemy what it regards as an abuse of liberty This book is about the suppression of freedom of expression in the religious belief and experience; it is also about an inchmeal progression in the scope of ...
Acts Against God is the first accessible history of this crime—its prosecution, its impact, and its punishment and suppression.