A psychotherapist and experienced parent of teenagers explores the "troubled" teenager, offering a straight-shooting, insightful look at how to deal with problems of adolescence. Reprint.
The Encyclopedia of Adolescence breaks new ground as an important central resource for the study of adolescence.
Teen Turmoil
"I highly recommend this book to parents, teachers, and all others who work with young people. It is one of the best books I have seen on helping adults and adolescents turn their conflict into friendship.
The methods in this book work to build vital social and life skills through encouragement and empowerment—not punishment. Truly effective parenting is about connection before correction.
Discusses such aspects of juvenile delinquency as gangs, drug abuse, running away, and crime. Provides resources for additional information.
Epstein shows that our teens are highly capable and argues strongly against infantilizing young people.
This book is for every parent having teenage child/children and for the teachers who interact with these children. This book is an attempt to bring awareness by explaining various symptoms and all aspects of the problem.
... M. W. , 351 , 363 Michel , J.-P. , 426 Midanik , L. T. , 414 Midgley , C. , 252 Mihalic , S. F. , 198 Mikulincer , M. , 45 , 327 Miles , J. D. , 380 Milich , R. , 186 Milkie , M. A. , 255 , 352 , 359 Miller , E. L. , 355 Miller ...
In Toe-to-Toe with Your Teen, Dr. Jimmy Myers offers fresh hope to disheartened parents who are doubtful that they can make a difference in their teen's life.
See David Croteau and William Hoynes, Media Society: Industries, Images, and Audiences (Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 2000). 16. By unregulated we do not mean controlled by state regulation, but lacking an institutional ...